Flight time
18-28 h
Maximum flight range
2500 km
Maximum flight altitude
4500 m
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A small tactical unmanned aerial system (UAS) with exceptional flight endurance of up to 28 hours.
Designed to collect and process data even in the most challenging conditions.
Highly automated: from takeoff to landing.
Deploys on unprepared terrain in less than 25 minutes.
Combat-proven by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Universal solution
Universal solution
Raybird combines exceptional endurance, impressive flight range, and all-weather capabilities, ensuring mission success in both commercial and military applications.
About us
About us
With 18 years of aviation expertise, Skyeton stands as a leading manufacturer of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), offering solutions across commercial, industrial, and military sectors. Our innovative technologies are currently trusted in a wide range of critical applications such as border monitoring, disaster management for rapid assessment and response, and wildfire prevention. Additionally, our systems provide 3D mapping, deep reconnaissance, and strategic wartime intelligence gathering.
About us
Main indicators:
UAVs manufactured
Flight hours
100 000+
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